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GREEN ENERGY OPEN ACCESS :- Complete process of registration & application through the online portal

Applicability and Scope of the Procedures

  • This procedure is in accordance with the 7.1 clause of the Electricity (Promoting Renewable Energy Through Green Energy Open Access) Rules, 2022.

  • Under these rules Central Nodal Agency (CNA) for Green Energy Open Access shall be designated by Hon’ble Ministry of Power.

  • The procedures shall apply to the applications made for grant of Green Energy Open Access by availing Long Term Access, Medium Term Open Access and Short-Term Open Access at interstate and intrastate level for the use of the transmission lines or associated facilities with such lines.

  • Central Nodal Agency may review / revise / modify / amend the provisions of this Procedure as and when required.

  • All information related to approvals, rejections, revisions, curtailment etc. shall be made available to the respective market participants through the web-based portal for Green Energy Open Access which shall act as a central registry.

  • Green Energy Open Access (GOAR) portal is the centralized portal to register and apply for the Green Energy Open Access applications.

Registration Process

  • Any entity which intends to avail Green Energy Open Access shall first get registered in the GOAR portal.

  • Applicant should furnish the details as per Format A for the purpose of registration with the CNA.

  • The applicant shall e-verify all details and submit the filled-in application in the Green Energy Open Access portal.

  • The grid connected entities shall be able to make an application for seeking Green Energy Open Access, only after the registration process is complete in all respects.

  • Applicant shall set a username and password which would be used by the applicant for all activities to be carried out through the Green Energy Open Access portal.

  • In case of a regional entity, the application for registration will be processed by concerned RLDC and for intra state entity, the application will be processed by the concerned SLDC. Concerned RLDC shall process the applications of Regional Entities within 7 working days for new applications and within 3 working days for renewal of registration through the portal.

  • Concerned SLDC for intra-state entities shall recommend the applications to RLDC for registration for open access customer within 6 working days for new applications and within 2 working days for renewal of registration through the portal.

  • RLDC shall review and approve/reject the applications for registration for open access customer within 1 working days through the CNA portal, after the receipt of inputs from the concerned SLDC.

  • CNA shall process the applications for registration for interstate electricity trader and power exchanges entity, applying on behalf of grid connected entities, within 7 working daysfor new applications for registrations and within 3 working days for renewal of registration through the portal.

  • After the receipt of application for registration, respective nodal agency, as the case may be, shall conduct a preliminary scrutiny to ensure application is complete in all respects. In case of any discrepancy / short coming / requirement of any further information, the concern nodal agency shall intimate the applicant through the portal for rectification of the deficiency within a period of 2 working days. In case the applicant does not respond within a period of 2 working days with the required details to the concerned nodal agency, the registration request shall be rejected.

  • The registration shall be valid for a period of 3 years and shall be renewed thereafter shall be renewed for a period of 3 years and concerned entity shall initiate the process of renewal of registration at least 1 month in advance, to avoid any discontinuity.

  • In case of any change in the information provided by the applicant it shall be incumbent upon the applicant to update the information in the portal.

  • If the concerned nodal agency, has not communicated any deficiency or refusal of registration, after receipt of application complete in all respects within the specified period of six (6) working days for new applications and two (2) working days for renewal or, from the date of receipt of the application, as the case may be, then the registration shall be deemed to have been granted through the portal.

  • The open access customer shall ensure that all details are correct, failing which, the registration may be cancelled/denied by the concerned nodal agency.

Submission of Application for availing Green Energy Open Access

  • An application for availing Green Energy Open Access can be made through the portal only by the registered entities.

  • The application for availing Green Energy Open Access shall furnish the details as per Format B1/B2/B3 as applicable.

  • Any consumer who has contracted demand or sanctioned load of 100 kW or more except for captive consumers shall be eligible for Green Energy Open Access. Provided that in case of captive consumers there shall not be any load limitations.

  • The concerned nodal agency shall, approve the applications for the Green Energy Open Access within a period of fifteen days from the date of application, failing which it shall be deemed to have been approved subject to the fulfilment of the technical requirements as specified by the appropriate Commission.

  • The order of processing of applications for Green Energy Open Access shall be first in first out.

  • The Short term and medium-term open access shall be allowed, if there is sufficient spare capacity available in the transmission system without any augmentation whereas for long term open access, the transmission system may be augmented if required.

  • Priority of processing of applications shall be given to long term in the existing system if spare capacity is available and further, open access for non-fossil fuel sources shall be given priority over the open access from the fossil fuel by CTU/STU as the case may be.

  • No application for open access shall be denied unless the applicant has been given an opportunity of being heard in the matter and all orders denying open access shall be speaking orders by the concerned nodal agency.


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