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RERC issues the Regulations for Grid Interactive Distributed Renewable Energy Systems 2021

These Regulations shall be applicable to all Grid interactive Distributed Renewable Energy

generating systems that are commissioned on or after 1st July 2021. The existing Rooftop Solar Grid Interactive Systems commissioned under Net Metering agreements up to 30th June 2021,shall continue to operate under the Net Metering arrangement till the period of Connection àgreement .

➢ The Net Metering and Net Billing arrangement through Renewable Energy Service Company(RESCO) shall be permitted for which the Eligible Consumer may lease out / rent the RooftopSpace/ Land etc., to a RESCO on a mutual commercial arrangement for setting up RenewableEnergy generating system.

➢ The cumulative capacity of RE generating system to be allowed at a particular distribution

transformer has been increased from 30% to 50% of the capacity of such transformer.

➢ In case of HT consumers having own distribution transformer, the limit of 50% of distributiontransformer capacity shall not be applicable.

➢ The maximum RE generating system capacity to be installed at any Eligible Consumer’spremises has been increased from 80% to 100% of the Sanctioned Load/Contract Demand ofthe consumer.

➢ Consumers may opt for net metering or the net billing arrangement subject to the eligibility

stipulated under the Electricity (Rights to Consumers) Rules ,2020 as amended from time totime. The Commission may issue necessary directions, if need be, as and when required.

➢ Discoms will create a web portal and a mobile app for submission of online application forms.The Discom shall continue to process the applications received through manual system till suchweb system is developed. Consumer will also be provided with the facility of tracking

mechanism by Discoms.

➢ Consumer shall have the option of purchasing the meters himself, which shall be tested andinstalled by the Distribution Licensee.

➢ The Connection Agreement for Net Billing arrangement or Net Metering arrangement shall befor 25 years. This facility is also extended to existing consumer.

➢ The excess quantum exported by such domestic consumer shall be purchased by the

Distribution Licensee at the weighted average tariff discovered through Competitive Bidding in

last Financial Year. For Net billing it shall be 25% above at the weighted average tariff

discovered through Competitive Bidding in last Financial Year.

➢ The quantum of electricity generated from the self-owned Renewable Energy generating systemunder Net Metering arrangement, if installed on Eligible Consumer premises, shall be exemptedfrom banking charges, wheeling charges, cross subsidy surcharge, and additional surcharge.

➢ The RESCO-owned system under Net Metering arrangement shall be exempted from bankingcharges and wheeling charges. There will be no cross subsidy/Additional surcharge in case ofRESCO and system for LT domestic category. For other category RESCO-Owned system undernet metering category Concessional charges @ 50% of CSS & AS shall apply.


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